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Branch retinal vein occlusion case presentation

A fifty-five-year-old female complained of onset reduction of vision one week ago in his left eye to 20/80 with no medical history.

Fundus Image

The fundus image shows flamed shaped hemorrhage with cotton wool spots covering the superior temporal arcade with macular involvement.

Fundus image showing branch retinal vein occlusion
Fundus image showing branch retinal vein occlusion 

Optical coherence tomography

OCT vertical scan shows hyperreflectivity of inner retinal tissues with the cystic formation and subretinal fluids with disturbance of ellipsoid zone with intraretinal hemorrhages.

OCT cross-section of macular edema related to branch retinal vein occlusion
OCT cross-section of macular edema related to branch retinal vein occlusion


This case is branch retinal vein occlusion with macular involvement inducing cystoid macular edema.


I would treat it promptly with monthly intravitreal AntiVEGF for three consecutive injections and reassess with OCT.

Would you observe, or treat with intravitreal AntiVEGF, intravitreal steroids or grid laser?!!

Drop a comment below on how you would handle this case??.

Please check the Clinical guidelines of retinal vein occlusion


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