CSCR is a spectrum of pachychoroid FFA, OCT, and Fundus image can aid in the diagnosis and the follow-up.
Fundus image
Chronic CSR appears as granular RPE changes along with subretinal fluid and PED.
Fundus image showing granular RPE changes due to chronic CSCR |
Optical coherence tomography
OCT shows central subretinal fluid with PED and visible with granular changes of the RPE, along with elongation of photoreceptor cells and increased the thickness of choroid and dilated of Haller's.
OCT cross-section showing chronic CSCR featuring subretinal fluids and RPE granular changes |
Fluorescein Fundus Angiography
FFA shows a granular hyper fluorescence in the early through late-phase along with subretinal dye pooling and under the RPE in late phases.
Early FFA phase showing granular hyperfluorescence |
Mid FFA phase showing the increased intensity of granular hyperfluorescence |
Late phase showing Mid FFA phase showing the increased intensity of granular hyperfluorescence with subretinal and sub RPE dye pooling |
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